Saturday, January 3, 2009

Where I Draw The Line

I'm all for saving the Earth. I use the good lightbulbs, reusable bags if I can, earth-friendly cleaning supplies, and I recycle everything if possible. But reusable toilet paper is where I draw the line.

I googled "reusable toilet paper" and found all sorts of sources. I won't list them; because, well; I'm bashing the whole "family cloth" idea and I'm a nice blogger. And good for them for making a difference in the environment. But it ain't for me!

Basically, you have a bunch of fabric squares instead of toilet paper squares. Some people use dry wipes for pee and have a wipe warmer with wet wipes in there for um, well; you know. Then you dispose of the fabric wipe and put it in a container that later will go to the laundry.

I already can't keep up with laundry for our family of five. I don't want to have some poo-scented piles of fabric scraps nagging at me to get washed on a daily basis. And considering how much TP we go through as a family- how many gallons of water will be used to be wash all this? It's not like I have to do extra flushes when using tree-made toilet paper.

That reminds me. I need to go throw a roll of Charmin in my purse, in case I'm visiting a family that happens to have switched over to family bathroom cloth. 'Cuz, well; that's just not cool. (you know how you have pretty little guest towels that you break out for company? Think they make pretty embroidered fancy family cloths too?!)

What do YOU think? Would you take the paper-free plunge?


Anonymous said...

well really it's similar to cloth diapers, yes?

still. NO.

UniqueNurseGranny said...

Other things maybe but not that.Yech

Kim Caro said...

o ok, yeah i know...just like reusable diapers! and baby wipes and feminine pads...

Amanda Conger said...

The idea of cloth diapers and cloth pads haven't managed to charm me yet. This is way beyond either of those. No way.

I *could* see using them just for pee, as that wouldn't be too bad. But you would still have to wash them very regularly which means lots of small loads of laundry (not environmentally friendly). I'll stick with my quilted northern.

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

No thanks! I have enough laundry as it is. Plus the idea of having it sit around after I use it until I have enough to make a load out of, just sounds nasty.

Jennifer said...

We use cloth diapers and they really aren't bad at all, but it is a bit of laundry to keep up with. I just don't think I would go for them for the whole fam. I try to environmentally friendly, but there comes a point where enough is enough.

Amanda said...

Ugh. I just don't think I could ever do that! Like some other people have mentioned... I have a hard enough time keeping up with my normal laundry anyway! :D