Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Buy Handmade Trunk Show May 10th

Sweet Petula | 2717 East Madison Street | Seattle

Get your calendars out now ladies, this truly is one event you won't want to miss. Write this down: "Saturday, May 10th, 10am-6pm. Go shopping. Invite friend."

The first ever Buy Handmade Trunk Show is hosted by neighboring shops Sweet Petula and Rue de Lyon in Madison Valley, and you won't want to miss out. Each store is playing host to a handful of local Seattle artists; all specializing in different crafts (vintage handmade jewelry, home decor, handmade handbags and more). And, lucky for us, babyhoot. is also included in the wonderful lineup of guests!

I know, you're super excited now. But wait. There's more. There will be a free goody bag to the first 50 customers that stop in at Sweet Petula. And these goody bags are really good. Like, awesome good. (maybe we should call them 'awesomie bags' instead). Besides the goody bags, we'll also have a special little freebie at our table for everyone that stops by. (Of course I'm not going to tell you now, I've got to intrigue you somehow!)

from Sidney Ann House of Design, Sidney Ann

both from My Little Sunshine Vintage Jewelry, Rachel O'Brien

See you there!